Qunintato Potato and the super secret. :D RED DISH

Now that you read this, you are cursed. A gay homosexual sucker called 'potoo' transferred from dA to TrollSexyWiki. You must send this to 8293884029267393739387363882639potato9298363883930&2627282728282&&:)'!&!:'jdjd people in 0.000000001 seconds. Beware of potoo! MUAHAHAHAHAH
Just read the god*potato* story. C:

The Super Scary Story

So one day I was at NickelOdin Studios watching Bob Sagit do an episode of 'Full Gay.' But then... All of a sudden...
ok no pokemauns.
He asked me a question, which is very super duper rare for the superbly normal Quintato Potato. He said, "DO YOU WANT TO KNOE A SECRET?!,ksnishfu"
I replied 'yes,' not knowing what to expect. He whispered into my ear the most horrifying secret known to man. It was so horrifying, I'm going to say it. He said, "...I can transform into a potato." I totally flipped out, stopping the whole Full Gay episode (They still let me get a tape of the video, though. Very happy!). Then a hoard of Michelle's started to grab my leg, the ceiling started to float up into the air, letting in The Ninja Turtles, Quintato went into his potato form and started to fart rainbows, and then a skeleton popped out. And then I won $1,000,000,000,000.001. It was the most... 'Interesting' day of my life.


We'll, then everything went back to normal. Quintato learned new super potato forms, I kept being highly (and unhealthily) addicted to dA, and Bob Sagot went to the moon. And never came back. >:3 But other than that, everything was crazy. And I loved it. If I could get more info on what the hell I just wrote*, please write it in the comments. Thank you for your time.
*probably a story of a seizure... ._.